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Sunday, 24 November 2019

Android interview questions for experience developers

How to handle async Task on activity/fragment during rotation?.
I have two options for maintain state of activity or fragment during rotation.
v  Use Intent Service and Broadcast Receiver and send data on Intent Service when screen rotate and get data from Broadcast receiver on onRestoreInstantState() method
v  In Fragment we are use two component first is interface that is work as a callback methods and second is android system provided method by name setRetainState(true) on Oncreate() method.

Difference between  Serializable and Parcelable.
Serializable: Serializable is used reflection in background so it’s slow process. This method is created lot of temporary objects that is maintain garbage collection.
Parcelable: Parcelable is much faster than Serializable. Parcelable is take more time to implement compared to Serializable interface. We can pass array via intent in Parcelable. It’s not use reflection.
If u not want to send any variable data to another class throe intent so you can go parcelable  class and don’t write here that variable or remove from here that variable.

Sync Activity and Fragment life cycle?.
Activity: onCreate()
           Fragment: onAttach(), onCreate(),onCreateView(), onViewCreated(), onActivityCreated()

Activity: onStart()
           Fragment: onStart()

Activity: onResume()
           Fragment: onResume()

Activity: onPause()
           Fragment: onPause ()

Activity: onStop()
           Fragment: onStop

Activity: onDestroy()
           Fragment: onDestroyView(), onDestroy(), onDettach()
Types of design pattern
v Factory Pattern : When we have one super class and multiple sub classes and we want to return one sub class then factory design pattern is best options.
v Adapter Design Pattern: In this pattern we are connecting two different component with adapter. In other word the adapter pattern make two incompatible interface compatible without changing existing property. Like Recycler view and Adapter
v Abstract Factory Pattern
v Prototype Pattern
v Singleton Pattern
v Builder Pattern

Difference between Service and IntentService ?
Service class run on Main Thread while IntentService is running worker thread.
Service class is base class of IntentService.
IntentService is using queue process and handle on queue is onHandleIntent() this is stop automatically when no intent in queue is empty while service class need to manual stopSelf().
Service class can triggered any thread while IntentService is trigger only from MainThread.
If you are using service there are chance to block main thread bcz service is running main thread while IntentService is running separate thread on the basic first come first serve. If you are using IntentService then you will find difficult to interact with UI of the application.
 Bound Service is used when one or more than one application component bind the service by using  bindService() method. If the application unbind the service then the service will be destroyed.

Looper and Handler?
Android Looper is a wrapper to attach MessageQueue and Thread and it manage queue processing. In other word to say Looper is a class which is used to process message in a queue. Normal thread have no such queue that means simple thread does not contain any queue.
Lopper = Thread + MessageQueue
Handler is a utility class and this is allow to send and process message and runnable object associate with thread and MessageQueue.

  •         Message creation
  •         Inserting messages into the queue
  •         Processing message on the consumer thread
  •         Managing messages in the queue

class LooperThread extends Thread {
      public Handler mHandler;

      public void run() {
          mHandler = new Handler() {
              public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
                  // process incoming messages here

How to send data from service to activity?
Broadcast Receiver that is transfer data from service to activity.

public class TrackWifiService extends IntentService {
    public TrackWifiService() {
    protected void onHandleIntent(@Nullable Intent intent) {
   private void sendDataToActivity()
        Intent sendLevel = new Intent();

public class TrackWifiActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
   WifiLevelReceiver receiver;
   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
      receiver = new WifiLevelReceiver();
      registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter("GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH"));  //<----Register
   public void onStop()
       unregisterReceiver(receiver);           //<-- Unregister to avoid memoryleak
   class WifiLevelReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
       public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
              int level = intent.getIntExtra("LEVEL_DATA",0);
              // Show it in GraphView


Observer design pattern?
Observer design pattern is a software design pattern that is established one-to-many dependency between objects. The state of one object(Observable or Subject) can change all other objects(Observer) state.

mMutableLiveData.observe(this, new Observer<String>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable String s) {

1: Repository is fetch data from web or local.
2: This place is developer write own business logic.

ViewModel  is a helper class which is part of Android Architecture Component it helps store, holds and prepare UI related data in lifecycle conscious way. ViewModel is update UI with the data change. The main profit of ViewModel if Activity or Fragment destroyed by the system and recreate this is use same ViewModel and same state. ViewModel maintain the own lifecycle. View Model should not have any reference to Lifecycleowner like Activity or Fragment.

1: ViewModelFactory is create dynamic viewmodel for Activity and Fragment.
2: ViewModelFactory is provide viemodel to Activity or fragment.
3: ViewModelFactory is maintain the status of Activity or Fragment live or dead.

LiveData is a observable data holder class. Which is save/hold any object in that property. LiveData is follow Observable Design Pattern. LiveData is aware life cycle.

MutableLiveData is a sub-class of LiveData. Its provide setValue and postvalue method. If you are updating value from MainThread then u can use setValue and if you want update value from different thread then you must use postvalue method. MutableLiveData/MediatorLiveData for notifying on each time of changing data. 
mMutableLiveData.observe(this, new Observer<String>() {
    public void onChanged(@Nullable String s) {



Dagger is a dependency injection which is simplify developer work and less code.

Component: Component annotation used for connection between module and classes. We define the @Component.Builder interface which will be called from our custom Application class.
Module: Module class are responsible for provide object/class which can be injected.
Provider: Provider annotation is responsible for provide object these method that is available in injection.
Singleton: Singleton annotation is responsible for create single object any class and provide global level.
ViewModelKey: ViewModelKey is help for map your ViewModel with ViewModelFactory.

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