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Saturday, 2 November 2019

Java interview questions for android Developers

Selected interview questions for experiance developers.

How String became immutable?
It's non-changing behaviour, means, the value once assigned cannot be updated in any other way.
String class internally holds data in character array.
String class is created to be immutable.
It would be mutable if you can update the character array which is behind the scene in String class. But in reality, that array will be initialized once and throughout the program it remains the same.

Why StringBuffer is mutable?
StringBuffer class is mutable itself as you can update it's stated directly.
Similar to String it also holds value in character array and you can manipulate that array by different methods i.e. append, delete, insert etc. which directly changes the character value array.

Can use super keyword in constructor?.

Can be called static this.method?.
Yes, But we can not use without static variable in the static method.

String literal:
String a = "abc";
String b = "abc";
System.out.println(a == b);  // true

String Object
String c = new String("abc");
String d = new String("abc");
System.out.println(c == d);  // false

Volatile variable?
Volatile Keyword in JavaVolatile keyword is used to modify the value of a variable by different threads.
It is also used to make classes thread-safe. It means that multiple threads can use a method and instance of the classes at the same time without any problem.

Object class methods?
toString(), clone(), equals(), finilize(), hashcode()

Can an abstract class create an instance?
No, The abstract class can not create an object because the abstract class is incomplete and containing an abstract method without body.

What is the thread?
Thread is a lightweight sub-process. It can execute multiple processes without interrupting the user.
This is used two types:-  By Extends and by implements

Wrapper class?
Wrapper class provide the mechanism  converting primitive to object and object to primitive.
Int in=0;
Integer i= Integer.valueof(ii)
Integer i1=in// autoboxing compiler internally working Integer.valueof(in)
Integer in=new Integer(10)
Int i=in.intvalue();
Int i=in; // unboxing compiler internally work as in.intvalue()

Aggregation in java?
Code reusability is the best for aggregation. Aggregation is represented Has-a relationship.

Constructor(s) of a class must have the same name as the class name in which it resides.
A constructor in Java can not be abstract, final, static and Synchronized.
Access modifiers can be used in constructor declaration to control its access i.e which other class can call the constructor

How constructors are different from methods in Java?
·       Constructor(s) must have the same name as the class within which it defined while it is not necessary for the method in java.
·       Constructor(s) does not return any type while method(s) have the return type or void if does not return any value.
·       Constructor is called only once at the time of Object creation while method(s) can be called any numbers of time.

Iterator in java?
Iterator is an interface and this is a part of the collection. It is used for traverse the list data. It is containing many method like next(), hashNext() and remove().
 Next() the method is returning an object like element
 hashNext() the method is returning Boolean
 remove() method is less useful and it is return void.

Internal working of HashMap?
HashMap is use array and link list data structure internally for storing key-value pair. We also say that this is based on hashing principle and internally used hashCode(). Default HashMap size is 16 that means Array size is 16 starting from 0 to 15.

For Example:

And now real programming structure:

Hashmap uses Array and Linked list datastructure internally for storing key-value pair.

1. Default Hashmap size is 16. It means, default array size is 16, starting from index 0 to 15,
    like shown below,

2. Let's try to put key-value pair hashmap.put("hello","world");
    Above line says, value "world" needs to be stored against key "hello".   

    Step 1: Hashmap will compute the hashcode of key "hello",
    Step 2: Say, hashcode of key "hello" computed to integer value "12345".

                   [In Employee Letter Box example, hashcode was "first alphabet of employee name",
                   So employee directly jumps to the corresponding Letterbox as he/she was aware that
                   Letterbox with the same alphabet will be present.]

                 In the case of Hashmap, after computing hashcode 12345, we can not jump directly to the array
                 index 12345, because the array size is 16(from 0 to 15) and index 12345 is not present.
                 So, hashcode 12345 need to be converted into a number between 0 to 15 to put it in array.
                 So here comes the use of indexFor() method.

       indexFor(hash, table.length) is used to calculate exact index in the table array for
       storing the Key-Value pair.
    Step 3:  So, hashcode is further computed to get array index also known as Bucket in
                  hashmap terminology. Once, the bucket is known, Key-Value pair is placed in that
                  Let's say bucket evaluated from hashcode 12345 is 2, 

                  After placing the object in hashmap, it will look like below.

3. Let's try to put key-value pair hashmap.put("jayesh","patel");
    Step 3 will be repeated, hashcode of key "Jayesh" is computed and let's say hashcode
    evaluated is 450, and the bucket or index of array evaluated is 11.
    After placing the object in hashmap, it will look like below.

Items that have the same hashcode will fall in the same bucket,
So if more than one item is falling in the same bucket then those items will be
stored in a Linked list like shown below.

4. Let's try to put key-value pair hashmap.put("khyati","patel");
    Step 3 will be repeated, hashcode of key "khyati" is computed and let's say hashcode
    evaluated is 1200, and the bucket or index of array evaluated is 2.

    After placing the object in hashmap, it will look like below.

5. Let's try to put key-value pair hashmap.put("khyati","pokar");
    Step 3 will be repeated, hashcode() method will be called to compute hashcode of
    In Step 4, hashcode evaluated for "khyati" gave 1200, then the second 
    time if you calculate hashcode of "khyati", it will always return same hashcode 1200.
    and ultimately, the bucket will also be same for the same key. So in our example it will be Bucket 2.
Point to note here is, hashcode() method always return the same hashcode for same key, irrespective of a number of times it is called.
              If we compare the same with our Employee Letter box example, then hashcode of
           Employee "Daniel" will be evaluated to "D", irrespective of number of times it is

    Bucket 2 is not empty, So for placing Key-Value pair, "khyati"-"pokar",
    it first goes to Bucket 2 and from there,

GET Operation:

Let's try to get already stored key-value pair in hashmap using key,

1. hashMap.get("khyati");
   Get operation will follow the same the procedure which is used in put operation.
     Step 1: First hashcode of key "khyati" is computed, 
     Step 2: Remember, hashcode of key "khyati" was evaluated to 1200 in put operation,  
                If we calculate hashcode of "khyati" again, then it always evaluates to 1200.
     Step 3: Now. bucket/array index need to be calculated from hashcode.
                  indexFor() method will be used to get exact bucket/index for the key "khyati". 
                 Hashcode for the same key will always evaluate the same, similarly, bucket/index calculated 
                 for the same hashcode will always return the same index. 

                 indexFor() method will always return the same index 2 for hashcode 1200.

How to know Linklist has a loop?
Linklist is store data in memory in Head and address format like.

            public boolean ifLoopExists() {
                   Node fastPtr = head;
                   Node slowPtr = head;
                   while (fastPtr != null && fastPtr.next != null) {
                            fastPtr = fastPtr.next.next;
                            slowPtr = slowPtr.next;
                            if (slowPtr == fastPtr)
                                     return true;

                   return false;

         public static void main(String[] args) {
                   LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
                   // Creating a linked list

                   list.addToTheLast(new Node(5));
                   list.addToTheLast(new Node(6));
                   list.addToTheLast(new Node(7));
                   list.addToTheLast(new Node(1));
                   list.addToTheLast(new Node(2));


                   // Test if loop existed or not
                   System.out.println("Loop existed-->" + list.ifLoopExists());


Java finally block run when the return statement is encounter?
  Finally, always run without any problem
class FinallyDemo
   public static int myMethod()
       try {
            //try block
            return 0;
       finally {
            System.out.println("Inside Finally block");
  public static void main(String args[])
Inside Finally block

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